Mary Margaret Mayhem

Name: Mary Margaret Mayhem
Height: 5'
Weight: Forget About It!
Cincinnati, Ohio

This is the tale of a teenage Catholic school girl gone bad. Always in trouble at Our Lady in Heat Catholic School for girls, she was whipped daily by the cruel nuns, sometimes bare-assed with a unforgiving yardstick. Over the years Mary Margaret grew to love the beatings, her cotton panties growing more moist every time the stick made its stinging contact with her pale white behind. Eventually she ran away from the school and began exploring the world of Backyard Wrestling. Her debut match, a shot at the title held by the Hellcat, whom she repeatedly referred to as an "old bag", was unsuccessful. But with an impressive debut, and a win over the Russian Alexandria Bulldyke, she will remain in competition against all of BCW's women's' division.